August 17, 2007

Too much walking

What a great Wednesdays night i had...

First i meet up with APB and help out with A Focus Group he was Running, boy does he have some good stuff coming soon. After that we(Me,Gatsby,APB) decided to head out and go sarge a lil.

We decide that we should head on up to Hollywood.. we jump in my car and head up there. For a Wednesday night it was really crowded and parking was difficult since I didnt want to pay the HUGE prices at the local lots.

So we finally find a spot and walk over to club X once we get there we find out that its closed. We ask around and find out that there is another club right down the street. As we are walking to the place we spot a group of papparatzie waiting outside a restaurant. We just assume that there was a celeb in there having a late dinner.

We get the next club .... while we are there we see at least 4 celebs running across the rope and getting chased by Papparatzie. After that we went and hit a local bar and got some drinks.

It was great watching APB and Gatsby perform, APB has got the sickest non-verbal game I have seen... Gatsby is one smooth guy...And me??? Well im not there yet but being in there presences was great. I got to see first hand how the game can be played at the most optimal level. APB is a great guy who I am glad I came across in my PUA journey.

Later as the sun rose we went back to my car but we couldnt find it. We walk around for a while and stilll couldnt find it. We cought a cab back to APB Hotel and then Later I went back for it.

Over all it was a great night.

August 16, 2007

My Rules For DayGame

So there are times when I get a good big dose of DayGame, and there are other times when i get DayGame in small doses. The big doses are when other lair guys call me up and we set a day to sarge. The small doses are the times one is doing an everyday errand and gets the opportunity to sarge a hb.

After doing a good amount of big dose DayGame I have Learned a couple of things. Now these lessons are going to help me enjoy and make the most out of Big Dose DayGame.

My Rules:

1. Comfortable Shoes.

I have consistently made the mistake of wearing shoes that made my feet tired and hurt at the end of the day. Nice Cofortable shoes make walking around (and sometimes chasing) alot better.

2. Weather appropriate Clothing.
Once again I have worn clothing that made me over heat. Had I worn something lighter and cooler i wouldn't have been drenched in sweat while gaming.

3. Don't walk to much.

Every time we go out and do Big Dose DayGame we end up walking around for hours... Its so much nicer if you can find a nice spot to sit and let the HBs come to you.

4. Get Good Wings.

Its so much easier when you go out and have other guys motivating and keeping up with you. Its so much harder when you go out and they guy(s) don't do anything... It brings your state down too much.

5. Water/Bathroom Breaks.

Its necessary to keep our self hydrated so you don't pass out in the heat. Its just as important that you get a Bathroom break also.. you don't want to be jumping around a HB or miss one because you had to run to the Bathroom.

6. Watch the Meter.

Make sure you dont get a ticket. make sure the meter has money in it. Also make sure that you dont exceed the aloted time.

7. Alawys push they self.

August 14, 2007

My New Sticking points

Well since My APB BC I have made great progress but as old windows close, new ones open.
This got me thinking... How long does it take for someone to truly understand the "Game"
I guess you never really Understand anything 100% if you factor in the human factor.
I just hope that while I am trying to figure it out I never get burned out and need a good break from this fun Game.

Since the BC I have been sitting down and trying to breakdown what it was that made me make that big leap. Then I sat down and began to think why I made those leaps, After that I kept on going and came to the conclusion thats I needed to write down what I wasn't able to do properly and why.

So it came down to these categories.

1. Sticking Points
2. Theory
3. Field Work

All these categories were addressed, corrected in a very short amount of time during the BC.

Sticking Points:

I asked myself why were these my sticking points, and came to the conclusion that During my AFC days i wasn't good at these phases because i rarely went thru them

Wow this is were I had the most help in. I knew about 90% of the stuff that was taught in the BC, but what I didnt know is how it all worked together and how it was applied properly. Learning all this stuff can be mind boggling when one chooses to take it head on alone.

Field Work:

We had a great time in the field, But this can happened any time.

So Now my sticking points should be easier to get by since A. I actually have been in these situation during my AFC days. Plus I have Theory to back it up. So all thats left is the Field Work. But there are other factors that Prevent me from And I cant think of it.....

I think Since the stakes have gone up (getting physical, bouncing,ONS etc...) I don't want blow it. It feels good be be at the level that I am at, I worked hard to get here and part of me wants to enjoy it, so I play it SAFE.
This mentality of not wanting to blow I guess is what is stopping me from making Leaps like in the BC.

I guess it all just boils down to how strong your inner game is, and what mental state you are in.

I guess i will just keep trying to work it out so I can make another big leap.