July 4, 2007

Day 2 of Asian Playboys ABC’s Of Attraction Boot Camp

Day Time:

We started of with a Review and Debrief of the previous night, here we got even more input and feedback. After this we jumped back into the ABCs of attraction with an overview on how to open:
Seated Sets
With Table
With A Chair
With No Chair
With an Occupied Chair

After this we discussed Certain Female Flirting Behavior, and compliance tests.
This was very easy to understand since APB and the wing women Jewels would demonstrate in front of the class. The next step we covered was Advanced Body Language , we learned How, Why and When to use it. After some theory on it we had to demonstrate it by getting up in front of the class , this was achieved by using Toy Machine and Jewels while APB Critiqued and corrected.

The next step was to learn and understand C and D game. At this point we had to pull out our day 2 Homework which he had e-mailed us prior to the Boot Camp. The point of HW 2 was intended to demonstrate certain qualities about us thru the use of storytelling. We went around the room and each one of us told our story, after we were done we got feedback as to whether our stories were ok or not, then we would get input on how and why it worked. I found this to be one of the most useful exercises.
After a short break, we jumped into D game, which covered such topics as:
Sexual interest
Proper Kino Escalation
Phone Close Tactics
Kiss Close Tactics

Once again Jewels was very helpful as she was able to demonstrate with APB and Give an honest Female Perspective as to how it feels when thing are not done correctly by a guy.

The next step we covered was absolutely my favorite….DIRECT APPROACHES!
We got a bunch of theory on it and then given the opportunity to practice it.

We wrapped it up for the evening and were given new goals for the night.

A game
B game
C game
D game
Open Direct

Night Time:

We all meet up at the venue and APB told us that this place was going to be more Difficult to work. He explained the this venue was going to be crowded since it was a special event and that their really was not place to isolate. Boy was he right top it off with some extremely Loud Music and it became very challenging.

Once again we began opening sets while in line and got the necessary corrections. Since there were mostly big sets (4-7) we winged each other. Once inside every one started to open set after set.
I had made the decision that tonight I would go mostly Indirect since I was a lil rusty in that area.
I opened Indirect with a canned opener I was doing a good job , but when it came time to isolate I was having trouble. The only real place to Isolate was a hallway that lead to the restrooms and I didn’t know where that was until later that night when I had to go take a piss.

The Positive on this was that I got a good amount of mini Isolation and got a lot of practice in manipulating the Target thru our BL. This Night was all about BL for me. I learned how important your BL is when no one can hear you. I finally understand that it truly isn’t about what you say but what you project. Thru out the night I got to practice giving Compliance tests but I couldn’t the PU to go Sexual.

Once I found out where the hallway was I was able to isolate someone and boy does the mood change when you are able to get some alone time with someone.

The other guys were doing some amazing stuff!!! Since there wasn’t much room they gamed into the vip tables and were able to get free drinks lol. Later that night I opened a HB and she asked me if I knew the BC guys , I of course said yes and she began to complain about how my Friends are getting free drinks from girls at the bar…. And that as a man we should pay LOL.

The night went ok, Me deciding to go Indirect hindered some of my results since I was rusty..
I got to open a lot of sets got some Isolation and winged some of the BC guys and got number closed by some girl.
THE BAD part was that I LOST MY F****** Phone!!!!!!!!!! What made me even more mad is that I had baby pics of my new lil niece…. So in retrospect I might have had a good night, but losing those pics soured the evening. This night wasn’t very Kind to me at all!

July 3, 2007

Day 1 of Asian Playboys "ABCs Of Attraction Boot Camp"

Day 1 of Asian Playboys ABC’s Of Attraction Boot Camp

So After a year in the game I decided to give myself an Anniversary gift and take APB Boot Camp.
One of the main reasons that I took his BC was because he deals with Minorities and some of the challenges that come up from that during a PU. For those who are not aware of who APB is you can find him at http://theasianplayboy.blogspot.com/.

About Me: for the guys that don’t know me, I am a 26 year old Latino (Mexican) male with a full year under my belt. I have Sarged with more than a handfull of guys and Picked up a lot of usefull stuff from them and from reading a lot of Literature on PU.

Day Time:

The Bootcamp took place in Sin City aka Las Vegas, WOW this place is Hot During the day!!!!
The first day was the easiest since it was an over view of the basic principles. I had no problem understanding all the material since it was presented in a very professional manner. We covered a lot during the class, first he had use explain our goals & expectations. This was easy and everyone had a solid reason for being there, some of us even had the same reason.

Next It was an overview of his ABCs of attraction, each letter gets broken down and explained what it is and why it effective. This was great since we now had a solid Blueprint to follow. We specifically went into A & B. After that we had a bunch of exercises that helped us develop Solid A & B Game.
The Exercises were excellent since they were both verbal and physical. He helped us correct our tonality and Body language(Boy did we need help). This is were the extra Interns in training came into play, It was great to have them around since we had the possibility to try it on different combinations of people. The wing women Jewels was awesome since she is a female and was our practice dummy.

Night Time:

The goal of the night was to practice A & B game. We had been given (thru E-mail) Home Work prior to the BC, this included Some Canned Openers and how to script our own. Most of us memorized some of the canned ones while some of us had our own.

Now I know we shocked APB this night!!!!!!!!!

Here is a lil Background:
During the day time he went around the room and asked everyone to tell him what was the amount of AA that they had, from a scale of 1-10.
Guy1: “I Have a ZERO.”
Guy2: “Hmm maybe a 4-5”
Guy3: “I would say about a 3-4”
Me: “ I would guess about a 3-4 also”

Now I am sure he has guys give him a low Number and then exhibit a much higher Number In Field.

Back to night 1:

So we all arrive at the venue and while waiting in line he starts telling us to jump in set. We all do what he says since we were all lil good boys. This is where we all started to improve!!! It was great opening big sets after big sets. He would tell some of us to go in and wing each other also so we got to open and wing sets BEFORE we even got in. We were getting instant feedback right of the bat.
So we get into the venue and Bam he starts to point out sets…. I guess at this point the was used to having some of his students start showing some AA. This is what made our group absolutely FUCKING Amazing……. We were lil a pack of wild dogs that got unleashed we started to tear the place up. What ever he told us to do we did and went beyond what was expected. The Goal was to Practice A & B game… We had guys getting free drinks form girls!!!! We all (BC Guys) made out at least with 4 different girls!!!!!!!!!!! And We got Numbers!!!
Now we had a VIP table so it was easy to isolate and gain social proof, But to have Women around that much in 1 night and have them kiss/make out, buy you drinks, give you their Numbers…. WOW THAT WAS AMAZING!!

At one point some of us congregated at the Table and APB saw a mixed 4 set(1 guy 3 girls). He points them out and before you know we are over there. Me and the guys took over the table and PWNED it. The next day APB said we took over too well and he actually started to fell bad for the guy MUHAHAH.

For me that was a great eye opener.. I got 4 kiss closes 1 free drink and 1 number and some girl took a drink from my Crotch. I Managed to Isolate about 3-4 girls ( I cant remember exactly there were to many girls for me that night) at our table, this was great because APB was Right there and giving me corrections.

After the night was done me and my roommate( Australian guy in the BC) headed back to our room, we couldn’t believe how well the night had gone.